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Frequently Asked Questions.
General Questions
1. I forgot my User Name, how do I recover it?
Please click
Forgot User Name
to recover your User Name.
2. I forgot my Password, how do I reset it?
Please click
Forgot Password
to reset your Password.
3. How do I cancel a registration and/or request a refund?
To cancel a registration and/or request a refund, please call Center 50+ at 503-588-6303.
4. How do I change my Email Address?
Click “Login” button from the top right corner of web page (if you have not logged-in already).
Click your "User Name" from the top right corner of the web page.
Click "Email" to go to the "Change Email Address" screen.
Click "Submit" button to save the changed email address.
5. How do I change my Password?
Click “Login” button from the top right corner of web page (if you have not logged-in already).
Click your "User Name" from the top right corner of the web page.
Click "Password" to go to the "Change Password" screen.
Click "Submit" button to save the new password.
6. How do I change Address or Phone Number(s)?
Click “Login” button from the top right corner of web page (if you have not logged-in already).
Click your "User Name" from the top right corner of the web page.
Click "Address/Phone" to go to the "Review/Change Address and Phone(s)" screen.
Click "Save Changes" button to save the updated values.
7. What are the browser requirements?
In order to make an online payment you must be using one of the following browsers: Firefox version 3.5 or newer; Chrome version 10 or newer; Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0 or newer; or Safari version 3.2.1 or newer. Also, your browser must be enabled for both JavaScript and Cookies. To enable your browser for JavaScript or Cookies, please consult your browser documentation.